The flea and tick season can cause dread and anxiety in many pet owners. However, fleas and ticks are parasites that are harmful to all mammals, including humans, and not only our furry pals. You might be thinking, “When is flea and tick season?” as the weather warms up. The most crucial information regarding fleas, ticks, and the dangers associated with them has been compiled by our team of insect experts.

Tick and Flea Behavior

Both fleas and ticks are parasites that feed on living things. Typically, these pests inhabit wooded areas and long, thick grass outdoors. Both bugs are infamous for the mayhem they can start as well as their unpleasant, itchy bites. 

Fleas frequently travel on dogs and will reside anywhere, even your home. Flea adults lay eggs on their hosts, and the eggs hatch quickly into larvae. Flea eggs can hatch in as little as two weeks, and an infestation can become out of control very quickly. Despite the rarity of indoor tick infestations, they can occur if you bring them inside on your clothing or if your cat or dog transports them. Such parasite infections are not only annoying, but also dangerous.

​​The Perils of Ticks & Fleas

Despite the fact that fleas and ticks do not prefer to feed on humans, when they do, serious health issues can result. Numerous illnesses, such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and alpha-gal syndrome, can be transmitted to humans by ticks. Although fleas aren’t recognized to be disease carriers, they can nevertheless act as parasite carriers and disease vectors. 

Additionally, they have a bad habit of biting, which may be at best irritable and at worst extremely uncomfortable. Tick and flea bites can get infected, just like any other wound, if they are not properly treated. 

What Time Is Tick & Flea Season?

Fleas and ticks frequently go into a condition of diapause during the winter, which is similar to hibernation. Fleas and ticks may be present year-round in some areas with inconsistent seasonal weather patterns. 

Most of the time, weather patterns predict when fleas and ticks are most active. Numerous factors can affect flea and tick populations, but they are most active in warm, humid weather. The flea and tick season typically lasts from March to December in the Southeastern region, which includes Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.

The Best Ways to Avoid a Flea Infestation

Without professional help, fleas are notoriously difficult to eradicate, therefore the best way to avoid a serious flea infestation is to start by protecting your dogs. Fleas often do not choose to live on humans as hosts. However, if you discover flea proof, such as live fleas, unexplained bites, or flea filth, get in touch with a reputable pest treatment firm right once.

How to Avoid Being Bit by Ticks

Ticks are typically found in regions with a lot of trees or in tall, dense vegetation. It’s crucial to take precautions to safeguard yourself from ticks if you spend time outside. If used properly, insect repellents are typically effective. Ticks are more prone to hide in the folds of loose clothing, so you might wish to think about wearing form-fitting clothing. Tick prevention medication for your pets is essential since, similar to fleas, they are more likely to attract toward an animal than a human.

What About Preventing Ticks & Fleas on Pets?

Without preventative measures, cats and dogs can readily introduce harmful pests into your house. Additionally, they are more likely to experience anemia, hair loss, and other chronic flea bite symptoms. Fortunately, there are numerous different drugs that you can buy from your veterinarian or over the counter to stop fleas and ticks from biting your furry pals, including topical formulations and ingestible choices. 

Regardless of the season, most veterinarians advise pet protection. If you’re unsure about which choice is best for your pets or would need more details on how fleas and ticks can affect your pet’s health, speak with an expert in animal care.

Taking Care of a Flea or Tick Issue

The best option to effectively solve your problem is to call a professional pest control company if you think your home may have a flea infestation. Your local wildlife agency might be able to answer your tick-related questions, depending on the circumstances. In any case, our Carlsbad Pest Control specialists are available to assist you in any manner we can.  For a free consultation, get in touch with us today.