A plumbing system can be severely damaged by winter. (Add freezing temperatures to rising demand, as the entire family spends four months hibernating indoors in anticipation of spring, and your pipes and water-based appliances start to experience the “winter blues,” too.) But can cold temperatures cause drains to clog? Sadly, the response is “yes.” Ice buildup is one of several cold-weather plumbing issues that can result in blockages or exacerbate already existing jams.

Homeowners who have put off performing routine plumbing repairs throughout the year by dismissing small problems as “no big deal” may find that those problems worsen during the colder months.

https://www.unioncityheating.com/, Union City’s leading plumbing company, is here to help you keep your system operating efficiently all winter long with our winter plumbing advice. Be on the alert for these typical winter plumbing issues and respond right away if you discover anything wrong in these locations.

Cold Pipes

Frozen pipes are among the most typical cold-weather plumbing issues. Pipes in crawl spaces, garages, and basements are particularly susceptible to freezing when the temperature falls below 32 degrees Fahrenheit if they are not well insulated. They might potentially rupture at any moment, and trust us when we say you want to avoid that mess at all costs.

A broken pipe can cost you thousands of dollars in repairs, result in costly water damage to your house, and provide the perfect environment for mold and mildew to grow. However, frozen or broken pipes don’t always make an audible splash.

The Best Way to Avoid Frozen Sewer Pipes

Your sewer lines may freeze and maybe burst, just like the plumbing in your home. Your drain system may become blocked by ice during freezing weather, and these pipes may explode if left unattended for a long time. If a sewer pipe freezes, you might eventually find yourself looking online for a “home plumber near me.” But the following advice will help keep sewer pipes from freezing:

  1. A professional plumber should be contacted if you need assistance determining the location and depth of your sewer line. Bury Below the Frost Line: Ensure that the sewer level is buried below the frost line.
  2. Keep Water Moving: Pipes that are continuously being flooded with water are less likely to freeze. Keep your faucets running if you’re going on a winter vacation to avoid the risk of them freezing.
  3. Make Sure Gutters Are Clean: To maintain your drain grates and gutters free of twigs, leaves, and other debris, clean them regularly.

It’s crucial to inspect any pipes you believe could freeze when the winter weather arrives. There may be a frozen block of water inside the pipes if you notice a film of frost on them. No need to worry; you may assist the frozen pipe melt by wrapping it in a cloth dipped in hot water. A professional plumber with the skills and tools to identify and resolve the issue can be contacted. Other options include trying to thaw pipes using a hairdryer or heat lamp – no open flames, please!

Other potential signs of a frozen pipe include fussy faucet behavior, such as generating a meager trickle of water or none at all, and odd scents emanating from drains. Before a busted pipe gives you the cold shoulder, retaliate against Jack Frost by giving our staff a call.

Drainage Issues

We recognize that sometimes things happen, but you should know better than to wash grease and oil down your drains. As you now know, cold weather can cause drains to block. Pipes gather trash, such as hair, soap scum, or sluggish cooking residue that accumulates over time. When the cold winter arrives, anything stuck in the pipes may harden, freeze, or mix with the frozen water to completely block your sink or shower.

Inconvenient cold weather plumbing issues like frozen lines, such as blocked kitchen sink drain pipes, can be avoided, though.

If you get winter blockages, try pouring boiling water down the affected drain to thaw the blockage. Or you can make a call. Rather than merely offering a temporary remedy, let a professional investigate the root of your clogs.

How to Prevent Blocked Drains

To avoid drain clogs and other plumbing problems, remember these tips:

  • Tip #1: Keep grease, fat, oil, bones, coffee grounds, and other clog-causing materials out of the garbage disposal, according to tip #1. Instead, throw these things in the trash.
  • Tip #2: Run ice through your garbage disposal to keep it clean and in working order.
  • Tip #3: After using the garbage disposal, run some cold water (for 15 to 30 seconds).

Water Heater Issues

In addition to frozen pipes and clogged drains, another cold-weather plumbing issue to be on the lookout for is water heater wear and tear. Your water heater puts in a lot of effort all year long. To keep up with the demand for hot showers, large loads of laundry, and dishes throughout the winter, it works overtime. Particularly if you’ve neglected seasonal maintenance over the past year or more, that extra wear and tear can cause a water heater to collapse.

It’s not simply uncomfortable to take a shower in lukewarm or cold water when you’d prefer it to be scorching hot. It can be an indication that the water heater is worn out or deteriorating. Be quick to take action if you detect erratic water temps, odd noises, or leaking indications. No homeowner wants to deal with the mess of a broken water heater, no matter the season.

Contact a Professional

Plumbing issues in the cold are undoubtedly prevalent. Drain clogs, frozen pipes, and issues with your water heater tank can all be caused by cold weather. Fortunately, Union City HVAC & Heating is available 24/7, so you don’t need to scramble to find an “emergency plumber near me now” online.

Call Union City HVAC & Heating for assistance with your pipes, drains, or water heater or for more information. The Union City region can always count on our staff to deliver dependable, skilled plumbing maintenance or repair services.