You’ve probably heard of the vampire facial, which was made popular by stars like Kim Kardashian. A little amount of blood is drawn from your arm during this technique, which is also known as microneedling with PRP, to separate the platelets in a centrifuge and include the “liquid gold” into the microneedling process. This surgery is safe for almost everyone and has various advantages, including skin that looks younger. Continue reading to learn more about it!

What is a Vampire Facial?

A vampire facial is essentially a microneedling and PRP treatment combined. PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, is a mixture of platelets, blood cells that are essential to your body’s healing process, and plasma, the liquid portion of your blood. A concentrated number of growth factors found in the PRP used in the procedure aid to mend and repair your skin while also encouraging the synthesis of collagen in the treated area. Microneedling and this “liquid gold” together deeply revitalize the skin, giving patients a more radiant and young appearance.

What Steps Are Involved?

To reduce the risk of contamination or infections, vampire facials must be performed in a professional atmosphere with sterile tools. Three key steps can be used to summarize the entire procedure. The initial blood draw, which happens in the first phase and takes under a minute, is relatively painless. Your blood is sent through our ProGen PRP centrifuge in the second phase to separate the plasma and platelets from the red blood cells. Our FDA-approved ProGen PRP device is more effective at catching platelets than other local PRP devices, delivering more PRP each blood draw so you get more out of it per session.

Our medical-grade numbing cream is administered to your face and neck to manage any discomfort while the PRP is being processed. After the numbing cream takes effect, we thoroughly clean the area before microneedling PRP into the skin.

To get the best results, the PRP should stay on the skin for the rest of the day. For the first few days following treatment, patients will experience dry, red, sensitive skin that looks and feels somewhat sunburned. It takes an hour or so to do this.

What Are the Main Benefits?

The vampire facial has a lot of advantages, including:

  • Can increase the production of collagen 
  • Can plump up drooping skin 
  • Can increase cell turnover 
  • Can improve skin tone and texture 
  • Can lessen fine lines and wrinkles
  • Fights off other outward indicators of aging 
  • Low risk with lasting effects

A course of three vampire facials will produce the best effects for people with aging, crepey skin.

Who Can Undergo This Facial?

Candidates for this therapy should be healthy, free of any severe skin issues, and without a history of blood diseases such as clotting, autoimmune, or bleeding disorders.


The vampire facial is a minimally invasive, non-surgical method of achieving younger-looking skin. Set up an appointment with one of our skilled professionals right away if you’re curious about what a vampire facial can do for you.